Gloria es una mujer colombiana, de carácter ameno y espontáneo, muy latino (el acento es muy obvio). Sin embargo, al igual que a su nueva familia (especialmente Claire, Julie Bowen), a todo el mundo le podría parecer que Gloria es una gold digger, una cazafortunas. Casada con Jay Pritchett (Ed O'Neill), un hombre rico mucho más mayor que ella, y con un extraño niño de la mano, Manny, se instaló en la vida del padre de familia robándole el corazón, y para muchos, también el dinero. No obstante, nada más lejos de la realidad: ha quedado demostrado que la relación entre ambos es sincera, a pesar de las múltiples miradas y rumores que genera a su paso. Como buena madre, se desvive hasta límites insospechados por su hijo Manny (Rico Rodriguez) y, como buena colombiana, está muy apegada a sus costumbres (que incluye una escasa sensibilidad hacia la muerte).
¿Por qué Gloria? Al principio, Modern Family era fundamentalmente Phil (Ty Burell) o Cam (Eric Stonestreet), pero con la segunda temporada han sacado a relucir el gran potencial cómico de Sofía Vergara, exagerando su acento y su fogosidad. Tal vez, y seguramente sea así, la actriz se esté interpretando a sí misma, pero la verdad es que cada vez que sale en pantalla, deja un momento para enmarcar, y asegura la comedia. Tal vez no se merezca las nominaciones que ha tenido tanto a los Emmy como a los Globos de Oro del año que viene, pero está claro que merece un reconocimiento.
Os dejamos algunas imágenes, citas y vídeos de la Gran Gloria. No obstante, os recomendamos que veáis también la serie. Es enorme.
Manny: Where did I hear that siren?
Jay: That was your mother screaming.
Gloria: I wasn't that bad.
Jay: Cars were pulling over.
Gloria: He scared the baby cheeses out of me!
Gloria: In my culture, mothers are very clingy to their sons. In fact, the leading cause of death among Colombian women is when their sons get married. But I'm not like that.
Gloria: We're very different, he's from the city, he has big big business and I come from a small village, very poor but very very beautiful. It is the number one village in all Colombia for all the, what's the word?
Jay: Murders.
Gloria: Yes, the murders
Gloria: The poncho by itself is fine. The poncho plus the flute plus the stupid dance? My son will die a virgin
Gloria: I come from a neighborhood with a lot of prostitutes.
Jay: Gloria! Stop being such a snob, come on and meet my friend Julio and his wife… I’m sorry, your name again?
Julio’s wife: Qué?
Jay: I think you’re really gonna hit it off with Kay!
Jay: Gloria’s grandfather and uncles were all butchers, so she’s always had a certain comfort level when it comes to…killing. One time, we had this rat…
Gloria: What?!? First you smash it (she smashes the rat with a shovel), then you cut the head off!! (She brings down the pointy head of the shovel with force).
Jay: It meant nothing to her.
Gloria: I go to church now.
Jay: She left the head out there to send a message to the other rats!
Gloria: Welcome to your nightmare, jo jo jo.
Claire: I was the one that all the moms looked up to. I was the only one that Gus liked.
Gloria: Ay, please! You like him so much, you can keep him.
Claire: It’s not the same now that I know he likes you. That sounds really insane, but this isn’t actually about Gus.
Gloria: Really? Because you’ve been talking a lot about him.
Claire: Gloria, Gus is a symbol.
Gloria: A sex symbol?
Gloria: Okay, sue me. I am a colombian mother. I’m not gonna let him make a mistake that is gonna affect him for the rest of my life! His life!
Gloria: I am a very lucky woman. I have a wonderful family, a beautiful home. There’s nothing that I would change… I HATE the dog butler. I keep forgetting it’s there and every time it happens, it scares me all over again. Sometimes, at night, I think it’s the devil. El diablo.
Gloria: I have a small flower on my ankle, and a tiny, little butterfly on my....thigh.
Alex: How high up?
Gloria: Very high.
Alex: Did you do it to look sexy, no, did you do it for a guy? Does grandpa like it?
Gloria: No, no, and yes
Me encanta el personaje de Gloria, asi como Cam y Mitch! :D Son tan graciosos XD