Otra pequeña historia es la de Homer, que intenta conseguir una figura de colección que le faltaba a Maggie. Al final, para hacerlo, acaba robando en una gasolinera.
Me ha gustado a medias:
- Maggie con el pañal a rebosar pidiendo ser cambiada, sin éxito
- La vena consumista de Maggie.
- La señora que vive en la antigua casa de Marge, que mata a los conejos cuando ya no son bonitos.
- Homer intentando desviar a Marge del tema de Lisa.
- Ralph intentando ser un canguro o un trofeo.
- Willy gritando de dolor.
No me ha gustado:
- Lisa. Que la maten.
- Bart en el papel de nuevo abusón del colegio.
- La historia de "padres inteligentes" que al crecer se volvieron tontos. Ya la conocemos.
- También conocemos la de "Lisa quiere ir a un colegio nuevo".
- La resolución de las tramas. Vaya mierda.
Algunas citas:
Lisa: That school is so great. Teachers teach so much better when they're paid in money and not chickens.
Bart: You punch really good
Nelson: You think?
Bart: Oh yeah and you always avoid the face around picture day. People really appreciate that.
Nelson: Hey, those memories are forever.
Bart: You really care man. A lot of bullies just phone it in. *cough* Kearney *cough*
Lisa: I'll study so hard I'll make the old me look like Bart.
Homer: That'd be one weird looking kid.
Lisa: Lord Buddha, I know I'm not supposed to want stuff, but come on!
Bart: What's your note say?
Lisa: The seven of clubs?
Homer: Tada!
Principal Skinner: You yell at me for everything.
Superintendent Chalmers: Well I cant yell at anyone else. Teachers have unions. Students have parents.
Principal Skinner: What about Willie?
Superintendent Chalmers: I like Willie!
Principal Skinner: Lisa, one of the hardest jobs I have is throwing cold water on young children's dreams. Ralph, you're not a kangaroo.
Principal Skinner: Buying trophies from those cash-strapped schools really filled out the case.
Lisa: Someday when I'm a grownup, maybe I'll go back and look fondly at our house.
Bart: Well stop in and say hi to me because I'll still be there chilling in my basement bachelor pad.
Homer: Make sure to water my backyard grave.
Bart: As long as I can dig you up and stick you on the front porch every Halloween.
Homer: Just don't dress me up as a woman.
Bart: We'll see.
Selma: What a cheap date.
Moe: I'm not cheap baby. I'm embarrassed to be seen with you. There's a big difference.