Vaya. Después de dos minutos de capítulo creía que éste iba a ser bastante bueno, pero me equivocaba. El capítulo de esta semana, Baby, you knock me out, está plagado de los gags que caracterizan a Family Guy, pero desgraciadamente, la historia principal deja bastante que desear.

Me ha gustado:
- Peter a oscuras con globos de colores.
- Cómo Peter y Chris evitan a Meg. Muy viejos (y mejores) tiempos.
- El "cameo" de Cleveland.
- Quagmire secuestrando a la boxeadora.
- "Eructar en un parking subterráneo para reafirmar tu dominio".
- Peter-vaca.
No me ha gustado:
- La historia de Lois boxeadora. Es decir, la trama principal.
- Empieza bien pero se desinfla rápido.
- Floyd Wetherton.
Algunas citas:
Peter: And thanks to Deidre I got some of my own milk to put on my cereal. What? I'm fun.
Tom Tucker: Coming up next? A boxing match where boxers are bleeding before the fight.
Brian: Her fists are so dangerous, she's not allowed to be a lesbian.
Peter: This is crazy! Is no one really making me flapjacks yet?
Peter: For every five seconds I do not have flapjacks, I shall break one window.
Peter: In your imagination, I've got long eyelashes.
Quagmire: What can I say? I really like watching her box.
Peter: That means two things.
Lois: No matter what you do the rest of your life, you'll always be garbage.
Peter: Man would you look at that? Two smoking hot repeatedly striking each other.
Quagmire: Yeah, it reminds me of Thanksgiving.
Peter: Why does it remind you of Thanksgiving?
Quagmire: 'Cause this is where I come for Thanksgiving.